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Our Goal This Year is $475,000


"I am encouraged and inspired with how our community comes together to serve one another. This year, I’m encouraging EveryONE to recognize and support the vital role the Mitchell United Way plays in our community. Every donation matters. Regardless of the size of each individual contribution, our combined efforts add up to make a huge impact for our United Way agencies. By giving to the United Way, you make a difference in the life of someone in need. Thank you for your support of this year’s campaign and confirming that EveryONE in this community counts."


Liz Salmonson

2024-2025 Campaign Chair

Make your donation today:

Cash/Check  |  Credit Card 

Venmo @Mitchell-UnitedWay

Dropbox Location: 1920 N. Sanborn Ste A 

Mail To: PO Box 729, Mitchell, SD 57301

Donate with PayPal

Mitchell United Way
PO Box 729

Mitchell, SD 57301


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